Golf & Professional Turf

2013 Anthracnose Disease Control Study, Rutgers University

For the 2013 Anthracnose control study at Rutgers university we introduced our new liquid bio-polymer product, OMEGA™

OMEGA™ is an all new natural Bio-polymer blend of Yucca and Chitosan. This exclusive new liquid product has proven performance you have to see to believe. 

Plant Food Program #1 does NOT include any Fungicides. Plant Food Program #1 is one example of our Holistic Plant Health program that improves course and playing conditions while lowering chemical usage. 

Using a proper Plant Food fertilizer program and added Plant Health supplements your turfgrass will be healthy enough fight off most common diseases with out the need of a full label rate of fungicide.  



 2013 Anthracnose Real GRaph.jpg


2013 Anthracnose breakdown graph.jpg