Lawn & Tree Care

6- Iron, 12-0-0, 3.3% Sulfur, 6% iron, .05% Manganese

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6% Iron, .05% Manganese 12-0-0, 3.3% Sulfur

6 Iron is an Iron, Manganese and Nitrogen complex for prevention and correction of nutrient deficiencies. Iron and Manganese are involved in photosynthetic and respiration systems. It assists chlorophyll synthesis and is used as a reaction catalyst. In turf, iron and manganese produce a deeper green leaf blade. The urea nitrogen enhances the uptake of these secondary and micro nutrients within the plant.

Directions For Use:

Fairways, Roughs, Sports Turf and Lawns: Apply 1.0 - 2.0 gallons of 6 Iron with 44 - 88 gallons of water per Acre (3.0 - 6.0 oz. of 6 Iron with 1 - 2 gallons of water per 1,000 sq. ft.) in sufficient water to ensure thorough coverage. Apply every 3 to 4 weeks or as needed throughout the growing season.

Attention: Avoid application to painted surfaces as discoloration may occur. 6 Iron is corrosive to mild steel, aluminum, and brass. Use only stainless steel or PVC fittings.