Specialty Agriculture

Manni-Plex Cal-Mag Foliar Micronutrient Supplement 7-0-0

MN- CAL MAG 7-0-0 AG.jpg
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MANNI-PLEX CAL-MAG, based on the Manni-Plex complexing technology, uniquely delivers Calcium and Magnesium to the plant quickly, easily and more effectively than all other sources available today. Manni-Plex, a proprietary mix of natural sugar compounds with the lowest molecular weight of all known chelates and complexing agents available, delivers more usable Calcium and Magnesium to the plant. Because of its Man- ni-Plex technology, MANNI-PLEX CAL-MAG tank mixes well with most pesticides and fungicides, and provides rapid uptake and movement through the Xylem and Phloem. 

Manni-Plex products are specifically formulated for foliar delivery of micronutrients.

Foliar Application:
Vegetable, Fruit Trees And Field Crops
Apply 1-2 quarts MANNI-PLEX CAL-MAG per acre per application throughout the growing season. At least 3 applications are recommended. More frequent applications at 1.5 quarts per acre may be needed to correct deficiencies once they occur.

Ornamental Crops
Apply 1-2 quarts MANNI-PLEX CAL-MAG per 100 gallons water. Cover foliage thoroughly to point of runoff.

Soil Application
MANNI-PLEX CAL-MAG can be applied via drip or sprinkler irrigation
at a rate of 2 to 4 quarts per acre. Do not apply phosphate based fertilizers during the same irrigation cycle.

Tank Mixing:

Prior to any fertilizer of pesticide application, all spray mixing and application equipment must be cleaned. A quality tank cleaner is recommended. Carefully observe all cleaning directions on the pesticide and fertilizer label. Fill the spray or mix tank at least 3⁄4 full of water and begin agitation. Add pesticides and/or fertilizers as directed by labeling or in the following sequence: 1) Dry flowables or water dispersible granules, 2) Wettable powders, 3) Flowables, 4) Emulsifiable concentrates, 5) Water based solutions, 6) Compatibility agents, 7) Micronutrients and fertilizer, 8) Spray adjuvant

*Applications of Copper and Manni-Plex Cal-Mag are not recommended unless spray solution is buffered to a pH of 6.3.
*Avoid applications with phosphorous

A jar test is a good field practice for evaluating compatibility of multiple chemical mixtures. Caution: Check compatibility with chemical mixtures and high phosphate and alkaline (high pH) solutions.


Keep away from children and domestic animals. Avoid contact with eyes, open cuts, or sores. Harmful if swallowed. External: Flood with water. Internal: Induce vomiting. Contact a physician immediately.

Storage and Handling:

Store in a cool dry place, keep container tightly closed, do not add water or other material to the container. Do not contaminate water, food, or feed by storage or disposal. Do not store near acids or other acidic materials.

Store above 32° F. Do not allow to freeze.